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Live data

The Live data tab can be used to track on real time the motions of the platform and the main variables of the mooring lines.

Live data

The live data has a similar left panel than the one discussed on the Summary view.

At the top of such left panel the field to be plotted can be selected among the following options:

  • Heading: Heading angle of the platform's north with respect to the actual north. Positive for counter-clockwise angles.
  • Pitch: The pitch angle instantaneous value, as well as the amplitude and period resulting from zero-crossing detection.
  • Roll: The roll angle instantaneous value, as well as the amplitude and period resulting from zero-crossing detection.
  • Heave: The heave translation instantaneous value, as well as the amplitude and period resulting from zero-crossing detection.
  • Line: The inclination, fairlead and anchor tension.

The shape of the plotted data would indeed depends on the selected field. Below a view of the roll angle is depicted:

Roll live data

It can be appreciated that it significantly differs from the view when line data is queried.

When line data is selected, a seconf control will be appearing to select the specific line to be considered. If the acoustic sensors have been installed, the measured inclination of the lines will be also plotted with candle markers, which shows the value and the standard deviation.