3D viewer
A 3D viewer has been deployed to give a intelligible way to present the current state of the platform.
Indeed, the current position of the platform, the shape of the lines and their forces are depicted on real time. The sea surface is computed as the combination of 3 wave spectra associated to the wind, primary swell and secondary swell waves reported by the weather forecast.
When the 3D viewer is accessed, an orbital camera is activated. You can rotate around the asset just by left clicking and dragging. Moving the camera underwater is allowed:
You can get closer or further from the platform with the mouse wheel, or right clicking and dragging.
With the controls, which can be collapsed at any time by pressing the blue button with a triangle shape pointing upwards, the camera controls can be changed by a third person camera. That will automatically collapse the controls and allow you to navigate by the 3D viewer at will. To this end, press W to move forward and S to move backward. The camera can move also to the left and right by pressing A and D respectively. It is also possible to move upwards and downwards by pressing E and Q respectively, or by moving the mouse wheel. You can exit the third person camera mode at any time by pressing Esc.
On the controls there are some other options which can be handy.
First there is a checkbox that can be selected to hide the water surface, which would help to get a better view of the mooring lines.
Right below that option, there is a slider to control the thickness of the mooring lines, as well as a check box to show and hide the connections. The connections will be represetned as white bullets, and will be placed at the fairleads, anchors and joints.
Finally the colormap used to represent the tensions on the mooring lines can be also tweaked. The colormap itself can be shon and hidden by clicking on Show color map. The bounding force values are automatically computed at each frame. However, custom values can be set by deselecting Automatic range and using the sliders below to set the minimum and maximum values. On the bottom the colormap style can be selected among 4 options:
- Rainbow
- Cool to warm
- Black body
- Grayscale